All educational settings should operate in a way that supports and promotes equality, diversity and inclusion. Having clear policies and procedures around these topics ensures the institution creates an environment where all students and employees feel valued, respected, supported and safe, regardless of their background, beliefs, identity or any other personal characteristics.

Ways in which schools can implement EDI practices:


  • Equal Access to Education: Educational services should aim to provide every learner with equal opportunities, no student should be at a disadvantage due to their race, gender, disability, religion, social status or because of any other characteristic.
  • Anti-Discrimination: Policies that address and prevent discrimination and harassment should be in place.
  • Embed Equality throughout the curriculum: Schools should effectively teach students about equality and tackle prejudice and bullying. Outlining a clear set of inclusive values which run through their policies and practice and which staff and pupils can articulate


  • Recruiting Diverse Staff: Recruiting teachers or support staff from different backgrounds that can serve as role models to students and also provide varied perspectives.
  • Cultural Representation: Implementing the representation of various cultures, identities and perspectives in the education curriculum, this can be carried out through teaching materials, or activities.
  • Celebrate Differences: Try holding events or awareness days to celebrate different characteristics.


  • Create Safe Spaces: Create a warm and welcoming environment where all students feel safe to express who they truly are without fear of judgement, bullying or exclusion.
  • Inclusive Classrooms: Ensure the layout of the classrooms is inclusive to all students including those with special educational needs or disabilities, allowing all learners to fully participate in classroom activities.
  • Adaptable teaching techniques: Using varied teaching techniques and also different learning materials will ensure all student’s educational needs are met which will enable them to achieve their full potential.

Key Benefits of EDI in Schools:

  • Reduction in Bullying and Discrimination: Through EDI practices can help to reduce bullying,
  • Preparation for further education/ entering the career ladder: Exposing children/ young people to different perspectives helps them to develop empathy, tolerance, resilience and skills to work in diverse workplaces.
  • Improving Academic Outcomes: Creating a diverse and inclusive environment helps students feel accepted, improving their engagement in lessons and their overall academic achievements.

Challenges the school may face:

  • Limited Resources: For lack of teachers, funding and also knowledge in the EDI areas can be a challenge.
  • Resistance to Change: Some communities may resist EDI initiatives due to cultural or political differences, making it important for schools to navigate these issues carefully.
  • Implicit Bias: It is important to address unconscious bias among staff and students although it can be difficult in order to create an equitable environment.

Fulfilment Strategies:

  • Training for employees: Carry out regular mandatory professional development training on EDI topics for all employees, to ensure all staff are up to date on any changes to regulations or school policies.
  • Inclusive Curriculum Design: Incorporate diverse perspectives through subjects like history, literacy and social studies.
  • Student Voices: Encourage students to speak up, and create platforms where they can express their concerns or ideas regarding EDI without prejudice. 

Educational institutions that enforce effective EDI practices create a sense of belonging for students and this can contribute to the overall well-being and success of all school attendees.