Annual leave regulations for Non-Teaching School Staff in the UK may differ from those in other professions due to the structured nature of the academic calendar. Although school holidays might seem to offer ample leave, the details of these regulations are more complex. This guide explains how annual leave is structured for non-teaching staff in UK schools.

Annual Leave for Term-Time Only Staff (non-teaching staff)

Non-teaching staff, such as administrative personnel, teaching assistants, and cleaners, typically have more standard leave arrangements. The NJC’s (National Joint Council) Green Book contains provisions for schools’ retained and nursery employees.

  • Contractual Leave Entitlement: The number of leave days depends on the individual’s contract terms and length of service, typically ranging from 20 to 25 days, in addition to bank holidays.
  • Term-Time Only Contracts: Many support staff are employed on term-time-only contracts, meaning they do not receive pay during school holiday periods and may have their leave entitlement calculated on a pro-rata basis.
  • Flexible Leave Options: Non-teaching staff can request annual leave during term time with management approval, though schools generally encourage leave to be taken during holiday periods to avoid disruptions

Annual leave regulations in UK schools are tailored to the unique demands of the education sector. While teaching staff must adhere to the academic calendar, non-teaching staff often have greater flexibility. Understanding these regulations is vital for planning effectively and ensuring compliance with employment rights.

If you are a school concerned about whether or not you are compliant with annual leave regulations don’t hesitate to contact HR&OD Education Solutions for guidance and advice. Visit our website or call us today on 0333 188 9146.