A personal journey of healing and growth.

Unfortunately, bullying is rather common and many of us face it during our school years. For some it’s a passing phase for others like myself it carries deeper and lasting wounds that take years to heal. Come with me while I talk about my journey since childhood bullying.

I was bullied throughout primary school and secondary school, I’m naturally a redhead you see and this was my difference. I’d often look to a future when I’d finish school and the bullying would stop, I was extremely lucky and it did stop at school, however, the lasting impact it has had on my confidence and self-esteem was far from over. The wounds left by years of taunts and exclusion didn’t simply disappear with the school bell. Instead, they followed me into adulthood, where I found myself second-guessing my worth, shying away from opportunities, and struggling to believe in my own value. While the bullying itself had ended, the scars it left on my perception of myself and my ability to trust others took much longer to heal. It’s a reminder that, for many of us, the real challenge begins after the bullying ends.

In this blog, I not only want to reflect on the long-term impacts that bullying had on me but also discuss my continuing journey of healing and how bullying helped me to become the person I am today.

When I was at school I not only experienced the usual tormenting and name calling but also was subject to more physical upset such as things like carrots in my Christmas card.

Over the years bullying lowered my self-esteem and I constantly thought that I was not good enough and that I was letting everybody down. I felt like a burden to all of my family and a few friends that I had. Now as an adult in the workplace and general life, I often second-guess my work and struggle to take positive feedback or compliments. I have slowly learnt to recognise that the negative words and actions of others no longer define me as a person.

I now choose to surround myself with those who lift me and carry out work that is meaningful to me. I like to surround myself with as much positivity as possible.

Another long-term impact bullying had on me was my ability to make friends. I keep my circle small as I tend to not trust many people and also worry about what others think of me.

While bullying took a lot from me, it also gave me something I didn’t expect, resilience. Over time, I learned how to pick myself up after each setback. The most transformative

outcome of my journey with bullying has been my commitment to advocacy and giving back. I can use my past experiences as a powerful tool to support others.

The long-term impacts of bullying are not something that can be erased overnight. But I’ve learned that healing is a journey, not a destination. There are still days when I doubt myself or my abilities but fortunately, with the supportive network I now have around me in my family, friends and work colleagues at HR&OD these doubts are becoming increasingly less often. HR&OD has an open-door policy where all employees and consultants can speak openly about any concerns they have, we also have a no-bullying tolerance policy.

If you’re reading this and have been affected by bullying, I want you to know that you’re not alone. The road to healing can be long, but it’s possible. Never forget that you deserve love, respect, and happiness!

As for me, I will continue moving forward embracing the highs and the lows and doing my best to make this world a little kinder for those who come after me!

In a world where you can be anything, be kind!