NJC PayScale Definition

The NJC pay scale is a structured framework used to determine the salaries and wages of local government employees in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It is commonly referred to as the ‘Green Book’ and is negotiated and agreed upon by representatives of local government employers and trade unions.

Key components of the NJC Pay scale:

  • Spinal Column Points (SCPs)
  • Annual Pay Negotiations
  • Incremental Progression
  • Allowances and additional payments

The NJC pay scale is designed to ensure fairness, and plays an important role in making sure pay is equal across different regions and local authorities.

What are NJC scales? (National Joint Council)

  • Local government pay scales
  • Used in the voluntary sector
  • Negotiations between trade unions and employers

For many workers in local government and schools, pay and conditions are determined by the NJC. The NJC covers over 1.5 million local government and school workers making it the largest negotiating body in the UK

The NJC is made up of representatives from Unison and other trade unions and the employers. The agreements reached are contained in the “green book.”

The 2019 NJC Green Book revision for TTO Support Staff holiday pay calculations effect all schools across the UK.

Schools are responsible for calculating and awarding backpay for both current and past TTO Support Staff in accordance with this new calculation, for up to five years from the date of the ruling.

Calculating the amounts incorrectly, or not acting on this revision at all, could lead to costly tribunals and settlements for Schools, Trust, and Local Authorities.